Matric Examination updates
Changes for South Africa’s matric exam timetable to accommodate elections
The Department of Basic Education has shifted the end-of-year exam timetable for matrics to accommodate the local government elections on 1 November.
In a notice published on Wednesday (15 September), the department said that the exams are now scheduled to start on 27 October 2021, four days earlier than originally scheduled.
The department said that the matric exams include 207 question papers written over 25 days, with no vacant spaces available in the five-week period to accommodate the new date of the elections.
It said that the change would impact several papers, including:
- English (home language, first-additional language, and second-additional language);
- Business studies;
- Non-official languages.
“The Council of Education Ministers (CEM) held a special meeting where the decision was taken earlier this morning. The CEM meeting took place following a series of consultations with the key stakeholders in the Basic Education sector.
“The changes were necessitated by the local government elections, which will take place on 1 November. Learners eligible to vote will now be able to cast their ballots.”
All government schools reopened on 26 July as part of the country’s move to an adjusted level 3 lockdown. At the same time, the basic education department also instructed primary schools (Grades R – 7) to prepare for the return of full-time teaching.
However, the country’s high school students have continued to work rotationally, leading to concerns about a loss in learning time.
Under the current rotational system, high schools in South Africa operate under one of three systems. Students are expected to attend school physically every second day, every second week or once a day in a morning or afternoon slot.
Students are expected to complete assigned work in the downtime to ensure they don’t fall behind the curriculum. Several schools have also incorporated online and digital learning platforms for students. Primary school students have returned to school full-time.
The Department of Basic Education has developed a three-year recovery plan to help make up for teaching time lost during the Covid-19 pandemic, said minister Angie Motshekga.
Motshekga said that the Recovery Annual Teaching Plan accounts for each subject in each grade and will help teachers focus on key concepts, content, and skills to be taught per subject over the next three years.
“A panel of curriculum content experts evaluated the curriculum statement for each grade and subject, and the content was reduced to ensure that only the core concepts, knowledge, and skills are taught for each subject and grade.
“It is anticipated that over the next three years, learners would have covered the core content in the subject, and the curriculum statement, post the three-year period, would be reviewed to take learners forward in their learning process,” she said.
The revised 2021 NSC examinations timetable
Matric Results Updates
When Will the Matric result be released?
2021 Matric results will be released in the first/second week of January 2022
Related Matric Information In South Africa
How can I find my matric examination number?
- Send your ID number and exam number via SMS to 35658.
- Use the USSD service by dialing *120*35658#.
How can I check my matric online?
Online Matric Results: How To Find Them
- Step 1: Visit the website of the Department of Education’s matric results page.
- Step 2: Enter your examination number.
- Step 3: More personal details may be required.
- Step 4: Press ‘search’.
- Step 5: Your matric results will now come up.
How do you get my matric certificate if I lost it?
If you lost or damaged your original matric certificate, you must apply for replacement at the Department of Basic Education (DBE) or Provincial Education Department (PED) by completing the Replacement application form. You can request the statement of results while waiting for the issue of your certificate.
Where can I collect my matric certificate?
A copy can be made and certified either at a police station or at an attorney’s office where they should do it for free). Proof of payment of administration fees – An administration fee is payable with a request for a certificate. The fee payable can be established with the accredited assessment body.
Can I buy a matric certificate?
Umalusi has said that partaking in the buying and selling of a Matric certificate is a criminal offense.
How many subjects do you need to pass matric?
You need to write 6 subjects and pass at least 5 subjects to qualify for a Senior Certificate. You can register to write exams for at least one of the subjects, and a maximum of six subjects in one year.
Information Technology (IT) is no longer offered as a registered subject in the Western Cape.
What does D mean in matric results?
A Diploma symbol is a minimum symbol that allows you to enter into a diploma program, you automatically do not qualify for a degree program when you pass with a symbol D. The requirements for a diploma pass are as follows: – A minimum of 40% for 4 subjects (one of which must be a Home Language).
Can you pass matric If you fail maths?
Failing matric then is for the overwhelming majority of candidates, heavily dependent on securing less than 30% in two of the four remaining subjects that they write. One of these has to be mathematics or maths literacy….Maths and matric.
Year | Maths | Maths literacy |
2009 | 46.0% | 74.7% |
2010 | 47.4% | 86.0% |
2011 | 46.3% | 85.9% |
2012 | 54.0% | 87.4% |
What does C stand for in matric results?
Matric results pass symbols Code 7 (A): 80 – 100% (Outstanding achievement) Code 6 (B): 70 – 79% (Meritorious achievement) Code 5 (C): 60 – 69% (Substantial achievement) Code 4 (D): 50 – 59% (Moderate achievement)
What does 777 mean in matric results?
outstanding mark
What is a B in matric results?
B. Bachelor’s Pass. Must obtain at least 40% for your Home Language. Must obtain at least 50% for four other High Credit subjects. Must obtain at least 30% for two other subjects.
What is a distinction in matric?
What percentage is a distinction? In South African high schools, a distinction is given if you have an average of 80% or more.
Is 70 percent a distinction?
Generally, at the school level percentages of 75-85 are considered average while above 95 is exceptional. At the university level, however, percentages between 60-79 are considered excellent and are quite difficult to obtain. The university awarding distinction at 70% may have a passing mark of 45%.
Is 70 a distinction in university?
Thus, at the University of Cape Town and the University of South Africa (UNISA), the percentages are calibrated as follows:
a 1st class pass is given for 75% and above, a second (division one) for 70 – 74%, a second (division two) for 60%-69%, and a third for 50 – 59%. Any lower than 40% is a failure.
How many percent is a distinction?
What do my marks/grades mean?
High Distinction (HD): | 85%–100% |
Distinction (DN): | 75%–84% |
Credit (CR): | 65%–74% |
Pass (PS): | 50%–64 % |
Fail:(FL) | 0%–49 % |
Is 75% a distinction?
Distinction: A superior performance; mark range 75-84. Indicates that the student has demonstrated a superior ability to consider the course and its assessment requirements from a number of perspectives and to explore their interrelation.
Is 60 a good mark at university?
The Grading System in the U.K. First-class honors – typically 70% or higher. Second-class honors, upper division – typically 60 – 69% Second-class honors, lower division – typically 50 – 59%
Is 60 a bad mark?
60% is usually considered to be a “passing” grade—usually a D. So it is not a “failing” grade. It means that the student has met the requirements of the course but below the average expectations of the course. A grade of 50% or lower indicates that the student has only fulfilled half of the expectations of the class.
Is 62 a bad grade?
A – is the highest grade you can receive on an assignment, and it’s between 90% and 100% B – is still a pretty good grade! D – this is still a passing grade, and it’s between 59% and 69% F – this is a failing grade.