Yellow Corn MEal Suppliers In South Africa

Yellow Corn MEal Suppliers In South Africa

Who is the supplier of maize meal in South Africa?

Indlovu Milling services local and international markets with top-quality maize as one of the top maize meal manufacturers in South Africa.

How much is maize meal in South Africa?


Impala R29.99Nyala R31.99Impala R28.99
Pride R28.99
Super Sun R31.99

What is the name of maize meal in South Africa?

Mielie meal - Wikipedia

Mielie meal, also known as mealie meal or maize meal, is a relatively coarse flour (much coarser than cornflour or cornstarch) made from maize or mealies in Southern Africa, from the Portuguese milho.

Where is maize meal grown in South Africa?

Maize is produced in all the provinces of South Africa, but the most significant producing regions are the Free State, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, and the North-West provinces. On average, between 2.5 and 2.8 million hectares of commercial maize are planted in the country each year.