Xylene Suppliers In South Africa

Xylene Suppliers In South Africa

It is primarily used as a solvent (a liquid that can dissolve other substances) in the printing, rubber, and leather industries. Along with other solvents, xylene is also widely used as a cleaning agent, a thinner for paint, and in varnishes.

Xylene Suppliers In South Africa


R297.30 – R11,429.77 Incl VAT

How do you get xylene?

Xylene is obtained from crude petroleum and is used widely in many products such as paints, glues, and pesticides. It is found in small amounts of gasoline.

What is the generic name for xylene?

Xylene - Properties, Structure, and Uses of C8H10

Xylene is an organic chemical compound. It is also known as dimethylbenzene or Xylol. It is one of the three isomers of dimethyl benzene.

What can be used instead of xylene?

Carrot oil, Olive oil, Pine oil, and Rose oil, are not only bio-friendly and economical but can also be used as clearing agents instead of xylene.