Whirlpool Suppliers In South Africa

Whirlpool Suppliers In South Africa

A whirlpool is a small area of the sea or other water in which there is a powerful, circular current of water that can pull objects down into its centre: He lay on the shore coughing up water after nearly drowning in a whirlpool. The tidal surges were huge and made dangerous whirlpools. Compare. vortex

Whirlpool Suppliers In South Africa

K.I.C South Africa

Address: 31 Red St, Mandini, 4490, South Africa

Phone: +27 32 439 3200

People also ask

How do I contact Whirlpool South Africa?

If you want to ask anything about these terms & conditions or have any comments or complaints about them, please e-mail us at za_service@Whirlpool.com or call us at 0860 884 401.

Has Whirlpool left South Africa?

Whirlpool is not leaving SA. Whirlpool and KIC’s SA operations are being acquired by a new owner, comprising former Whirlpool SA executives and other investors,” says regional MD Michele Caputo.

Who bought Whirlpool South Africa?

The acquiring enterprise, KIC SA, is a company incorporated in accordance with the Laws of the Republic of South Africa. KIC SA is a newly formed entity with no existing activities or operations in any market and is wholly owned by Robert Mark Hall (South African national).