Where To Buy Quail In South Africa

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The common quail, or European quail, is a small ground-nesting game bird in the pheasant family Phasianidae. It is mainly migratory, breeding in the western Palearctic and wintering in Africa and southern India. With its characteristic call of three repeated chirps, this species of quail is more often heard than seen.

Where To Buy Quail In South Africa?

Ware’s Quail Farm

Address: 9 Burnside road, Mbombela, 1200, South Africa

Hours: Closes soon ⋅ 4PM ⋅ Opens 7AM Wed

Phone: +27 81 730 7258

Anne-Marie’s Chick & Ducklings

Address: 187, Hewitt Rd, Mooilande AH, Meyertoni, 1936, South Africa

Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 9PM

Phone: +27 72 461 4430.

Is there a market for quail in South Africa?

The best performing quail farmer produces nearly 16,000 birds per production cycle, and local demand for quail meat was estimated to be 48 tons in 2016 [10]. On average, one commercial quail farm in South Africa markets around 435 kg of eggs per year [10].

Is quail farming profitable in South Africa?

Quail farming is very profitable like other farming ventures, such as chicken, and turkey business. Almost all types of weather conditions are suitable for starting quail farming business. Meat and eggs of quail are very tasty and nutritious.

What is the largest quail breed?

Jumbo Brown Coturnix Quail are considered one of the fastest-growing and largest of all quail, bred specifically for attaining a large size. At maturity, these quail have been reported to weigh up to 14 ounces.