What is Tulbagh?
Tulbagh, previously named Roodezand, later named after Dutch Cape Colony Governor Ryk Tulbagh, is a town located in the
“Land van Waveren” mountain basin, in the Winelands of the Western Cape, South Africa.
Where Is Tulbagh In Cape Town South Africa?
Tulbagh is a small, picturesque town in the Western Cape of South Africa, just 90 minutes drive from Cape Town is located in a fertile valley surrounded by the Obiqua Mountains.
What is the closest town to Tulbagh?
The nearest towns are Ons Rust and Gouda beyond the Nuwekloof Pass, Wolseley some 15 kilometers (9.3 mi) to the south inside the basin,
and Ceres and Prince Alfred Hamlet beyond Michell’s Pass in the Warm Bokkeveld.
Is Tulbagh rural or urban?
Discover the rural village of Tulbagh nestling in its bowl of magnificent mountains and a serene, unspoiled valley.
In itself a desirable destination for all seasons and for many reasons, the historic town also provides an excellent base from which to explore the Cape Winelands and surrounding areas.