Where Is Heideveld In Cape Town South Africa

What is a Heideveld?

Heideveld is a town or suburb in the Athlone part of Cape Town, South Africa. Heideveld got its name because the area used to have large grazing grounds where a popular flower grew in abundance.

The area used to be a dairy farm, and cows used to graze amongst the heideblommetjies.

Where Is Heideveld In Cape Town South Africa?

Heideveld is a town or suburb in the Athlone part of Cape Town, South Africa. Heideveld got its name because the area used to have large grazing grounds where a popular flower grew in abundance.

Which towns fall under City of Cape Town?

The current municipality coversĀ Cape Point in the southwest, Gordon’s Bay in the south-east, and Atlantis in the north, and includes Robben Island.

The remote Prince Edward Islands are deemed to be part of the City of Cape Town, specifically of ward 115.