Where Is Clare Estate In Durban, South Africa?
Save Clare Estate
Address: 212 Wandsbeck Rd, Clare Estate, Durban, 4091, South Africa
Phone: +27 61 061 7532
Address: 311 Clare Rd, Clare Hills, Durban, 4091, South Africa
Phone: +27 31 269 3285
What is the postal code for Clare Estate Durban?
Location Information
Item | Description |
Location | Clare Estate |
Postcode | 4091 |
Metropolitan | eThekwini |
State | KwaZulu-Natal |
Who owns Clare Estate Crematorium?
According to the Clare Estate Umgeni Hindu Crematorium website, the present grounds were ceded to the Hindu residents of Clare Estate in 1904.
Until then, open-fire cremations took place on private properties. Landowner John Henry Ernest Wall donated the first land to the early residents of Clare Estate.