Where Can I Study Urology In South Africa

Where Can I Study Urology In South Africa

Urology is a part of health care that deals with diseases of the male and female urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra). It also deals with the male organs that can make babies (penis, testes, scrotum, prostate, etc.).

Where Can I Study Urology In South Africa?

Below is the Where You Can Study Urology In South Africa

University of Stellenbosch

University of Pretoria

University of Cape Town

University of the Witwatersrand

University of KwaZulu-Natal

University of the Western Cape

University of the Free State

Rhodes University

University of Johannesburg

University of Limpopo

Tshwane University of Technology

How do I become a urologist in South Africa?

MBChB degree at UP, UCT, UFS, Wits, US, UL, UKZN:

  1. Theoretical training: 6 years.
  2. Student internship: 1 year.
  3. Internship: 2 years.
  4. Community Service: 1 year at an approved medical faculty.

How much does a urologist cost in South Africa?

Guidelines. Consultations R800. Minimum of 3x scheme rates. Minimum of 3x scheme rates OR Approximately R3000 – R4000 per hour where warranted.

How much is a private doctor in South Africa?

The average in-person GP consultation costs around R550 per visit – plus travel costs and any time you need to take off work. An online doctor consultation costs almost 40% less. How Much Does an Online Doctor Consultation Cost? Seeing a virtual doctor right now via the Udok portal is just R348.