Where Can I Study Quality Assurance In South Africa

What is Quality Assurance?

Quality assurance is the term used in both manufacturing and service industries to describe the systematic efforts taken to ensure that the product delivered to

customer meet the contractual and other agreed upon performance, design, reliability, and maintainability expectations of that customer.

Where Can I Study Quality Assurance In South Africa?

How long does it take to learn quality assurance?

Software assurance QA testing is easy to learn and not code intensive. You will have to learn some coding, but not to the same extent as a software or web developer. 

Software QA test training typically takes six to ten weeks, whereas web development training takes anywhere from 12-26 weeks.

What are the types of quality assurance?

Functionality Quality Assurance.

Usability Quality Assurance.

Efficiency Quality Assurance.

Reliability Quality Assurance.

Portability Quality Assurance.

Maintainability Quality Assurance.

Compatibility Quality Assurance.

Security Quality Assurance.

What do I need to study quality assurance?

Quality assurance managers must have a Bachelor of Science in Business, Statistics, or Quality Assurance and at least six years of experience in the field.