Where Can I Study Medical Law In South Africa

What is a Medical Law?

Medical law is the branch of law that concerns the prerogatives and responsibilities of medical professionals and the rights of the patient. 

Where Can I Study Medical Law In South Africa?

University of Pretoria.

University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) – Pietermaritzburg Campus.

University of KwaZulu-Natal – Howard College Campus.

University of Pretoria – Centre of Human Rights.

How long does it take to study medical law in South Africa?

The duration of the programme will in general be four semesters (2 years) but may be completed within two semesters (1 year) 

where possible, subject to fulfillment of all the requirements for the degree and payment of the full amount prescribed for the MPhil degree.

What is the best major for medical law?

Pre-Law or Legal Studies: These majors provide a strong foundation in law and legal principles, which is essential for any legal career, including medical law.

Health Sciences or Healthcare Administration: These majors offer insights into the healthcare industry, which is beneficial for a medical lawyer.