Where Can I Study Electronics In South Africa

What is an Electronic?

Electronics is a scientific and engineering discipline that studies and applies the principles of physics to design, create, and operate devices that manipulate electrons and other electrically charged particles.

Where Can I Study Electronics In South Africa

University of Stellenbosch. South Africa | Stellenbosch.

The University of Pretoria.

University of KwaZulu-Natal.

University of Cape Town.

University of Johannesburg.

University of the Witwatersrand.

Tshwane University of Technology.

University of South Africa.

How many years to study electronic engineering in South Africa?

The Electrical and Electronic Engineering programme is offered in two streams; namely the four-year mainstream programme and the five-year extended programme.

How much does it cost to study electrical engineering in South Africa?

Estimated tuition fees per year (SA and SADC countries citizens)

Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology1st year3rd year
BEng (Civil Engineering)57 00059 000 – 82 000
BEng (Computer Engineering)66 00066 000
BEng (Electrical Engineering)54 00059 000
BEng (Electronic Engineering)54 00055 000

Is electronics engineering in demand in South Africa?

Electrical engineering skills are in high demand in South Africa. Whether you’re a qualified electrical engineer or an artisan in the field of electrical engineering, there’s bound to be a job opportunity for you.

Is Electronic Engineering a good career in South Africa?

Electrical engineering tops the National Scarce Skills List, and this high-growth sector offers an abundance of job opportunities.

Eskom is considered the top employer for skilled workers in South Africa, but there are also private sectors and small businesses always in need of these skilled workers.

Are electrical engineers rich in South Africa?

The majority of Electrical engineers earn a salary between R20 629 and R67 863 per month in 2024. A monthly wage for entry-level Electrical engineers ranges from R20 629 to R37 428.