Where Can I Study Criminal Psychology In South Africa

What is Criminal Psychology?

Criminal psychology also referred to as criminological psychology, is the study of the views, thoughts, intentions, actions, and reactions of criminals and suspects. It is a subfield of criminology and applied psychology

Where Can I Study Criminal Psychology In South Africa

South African College of Applied Psychology.

University of Johannesburg.

Stellenbosch University.

University of Cape Town.

Rhodes University.

University of Witwatersrand.

University of Pretoria

How many years to study forensic psychology in South Africa?

If this is a 3-year degree it would usually be necessary to do a 1-year Psychology Honours degree in Psychology (for example if you did a BA General or BSocSci and majored in Psychology as one of your two majors, you’d need to do the Psychology Honours) before applying for a Masters Degree in Psychology.

How much does a criminal psychologist make in South Africa?

R18,370 (ZAR)/yr

An entry-level forensic psychologist (1-3 years of experience) earns an average salary of R480,926. On the other end, a senior-level forensic psychologist (8+ years of experience) earns an average salary of R844,046.

What subjects are needed to become a forensic psychologist in South Africa?

To be accepted into a Master’s program, you need to complete a Bachelor’s Degree with psychology as a major, and an Honours Degree in psychology.

However, even though forensic psychology is not a registered stream yet, some of the modules/subjects in these graduate courses cover topics in forensic psychology.

How many years does it take to study psychology in South Africa?

THREE years are required for a bachelor’s degree, ONE year is required to complete an honours degree, and TWO years are required for the Master’s in Clinical, Counselling, and Research Psychology degrees (one-year of coursework and one-year internship).