Where Can I Study Child Psychology In South Africa

What is a Child Psychology?

Child psychology is the study of subconscious and conscious childhood development

Where Can I Study Child Psychology In South Africa?

The Knowledge Academy is the Leading global training provider for Child Psychology Courses.

How do I become a child psychologist in South Africa?

Have the correct matric subjects

Think about the type of psychology you want to study

Choose your tertiary institution

Meet the entry requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree

Apply for an Honours Degree

Gain entry into a Master’s Degree

Complete your internship

Register with the HPCSA

How long does it take to become a child psychologist in South Africa?

THREE years are required for a bachelor’s degree, ONE year is required to complete an honors degree,

TWO years are required for the Master’s in Clinical, Counselling, and Research Psychology degrees (one year of coursework and one year of internship).

Is child psychology in demand in South Africa?

Did you know, that in SA there are only 2.75 psychologists for every 100 000 people? This makes it an in-demand career.