Where Can I Study Business Law In South Africa

What is a Business Law?

Commercial law, also known as mercantile law or trade law, is the body of law that applies to the rights, relations, and conduct of persons and businesses engaged in commerce, merchandising, trade, and sales. 

Where Can I Study Business Law In South Africa?

L.L.B. Law (Part-time) University of Kwazulu Natal. Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

L.L.B. Law. University of Kwazulu Natal.

Bachelor. Economics with Law. University of Cape Town.

Bachelor. Commerce in Entrepreneurship. The Management College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA)

How long is Business Law In South Africa?

LLM in Commercial LawIt can be completed in one year for full-time students and over two years for part-time students.

Is a Business law degree worth it in South Africa?

Law is one of the most sought-after degrees in South Africa and around the world.

Some choose it because of the potential financial reward it offers while others have a deep-seated desire to ensure the entrenchment of ethical business practices.

How difficult is Business law?

Business Law is an intellectually challenging study of the constantly changing legal puzzles that face businesses of all sizes and types.

The Program of Study in Business Law prepares law students for a variety of practice areas, including business transactions, commercial litigation, tax, nonprofit law, and more.