Where Can I Study Astrophysics In South Africa

What is an Astrophysic?

Astrophysicists are a special type of physicist who studies the basic workings of the universe at the scale of stars and planets. They pursue this knowledge using telescope observations and data collected by satellites and space probes.

Where Can I Study Astrophysics In South Africa

Best Global Universities for Space Science in South Africa

  • University of Kwazulu Natal.
  • University of the Western Cape.
  • Rhodes University.
  • University of Cape Town.
  • Northwest University – South Africa.

Where do astrophysicist work in South Africa?


  • astronomical research facilities such as HartRAO, SAAO, SKA and MeerKAT.
  • universities or colleges, teaching physics, mathematics or astronomy.
  • museums.
  • government agencies.
  • research organizations.
  • biotechnology companies.
  • planetariums.
  • private organizations.

Are astrophysicists in demand in South Africa?

Because of the shortage of local astronomers, there are good employment prospects for an academic career in astrophysics, particularly in South Africa.

Is astrophysics a good career in South Africa?

Career Opportunities

Opportunities in South Africa are especially good with two multi-million rand astronomy projects in progress: the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) and the South African Square Kilometre Array Project (SA SKA), which includes the Karoo Array Telescope (MeerKAT).

How long do astrophysicists study?

Becoming an astrophysicist typically requires a significant amount of education and training. It usually takes about 10-12 years of post-secondary education, including earning a bachelor’s degree in physics or a related field, followed by a master’s degree and a Ph. D.