What is Tretinoin?
Tretinoin, also known as all-trans retinoic acid, is a medication used for the treatment of acne and acute promyelocytic leukemia. For acne, it is applied to the skin as a cream, gel or ointment. For leukemia, it is taken by mouth for up to three months.
Where Can I Get Tretinoin In South Africa?
How much does it cost to use tretinoin?
Applying tretinoin to wet skin can irritate it. To use the cream, gel, or lotion form of this medicine: Apply just enough medicine to very lightly cover the affected areas, and rub in gently but well. A pea-sized amount is enough to cover the whole face.
Is tretinoin only for acne?
Tretinoin is used to treat acne or other skin diseases as determined by your doctor. It works partly by keeping skin pores clear. One of the tretinoin creams is used to treat fine wrinkles, dark spots, or rough skin on the face caused by the damaging rays of the sun.
How quickly does tretinoin work?
You may notice tretinoin starting to work within 2 to 3 weeks, but it can take 6 weeks or more to experience the full benefit.
This is in the context of acne, just don’t expect tretinoin to erase your wrinkles. Retinol & retinoids are best used in the context of prevention, rather than reversal.