Where Can I Get Prevention Pill In South Africa

What is a Prevention Pill?

The oral contraceptive pill is a pill taken daily to prevent pregnancy. The pill needs to be taken at the same time every day to effectively prevent pregnancy. Its ability to prevent pregnancy depends on a person using it correctly.

Where Can I Get Prevention Pill In South Africa?

Birth control pills are available at many healthcare centers. In the private sector, you can get them from any GP doctor. For example, with Kena Health, you could renew your prescription quickly and conveniently from the comfort of your phone

Do I need a prescription for birth control pills in South Africa?

Prescription requirements for birth control pills or ‘the pill’ in South Africa exist for various reasons.

Contraception pills contain hormones. There are some potential side effects, which would be disastrous if it’s not prescribed correctly.

What is the name of the pills to prevent pregnancy South Africa?

Oral hormonal contraceptives: Combined hormonal contraceptives

Generic nameBrand name examples
ethinyl estradiol + drospirenoneGianvi, Loryna, Nikki, Ocella, Syeda, Yaz, Zarah
ethinyl estradiol + drospirenone + levomefolateBeyaz, Safyral, Tydemy
ethinyl estradiol + ethynodiol diacetateKelnor 1/35, Zovia 1/35

How much is the contraceptive implant in South Africa?

The total cost is R1 500 (If we supply the implant/implanon device; Price includes consultation & procedure) or R1 100 (If you bring your own implant/implanon device; Price includes consultation & procedure). We also offer insertion of IUD/loop/copper T, including the IUD device.