Where Can I Get Prep Injection In South Africa

What is a Prep Injection?

PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is a medicine that reduces your chances of getting HIV from sex or injection drug use. When taken as prescribed, PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV. Are there different types of PrEP? PrEP can be pills or shots.

Where Can I Get Prep Injection In South Africa?

Is PrEP available in pharmacy in South Africa?

PrEP is available at any retail pharmacy in the country. It requires a script from a GP and you will need an HIV test and kidney function test first.

HIV negative people who believe they are at res for acquiring HIV and access healthcare in the private sector can access PrEP from an educated GP.

What is the PrEP vaccine in South Africa?

PrEPVacc (SAMRC) – A Phase IIb three-arm, two-stage HIV prophylactic vaccine trial with a second randomization to compare TAF/FTC to TDF/FTC as pre-exposure prophylaxis. 

PrEPVacc is a new African-led, European-supported HIV prevention study running in East and Southern Africa from 2018 to 2023.

How many people are on PrEP in South Africa?

Finally, in 2021, further updates were made to the South African PrEP guidelines which included offering oral PrEP to pregnant and lactating women [10]. As of July 2022, cumulative oral PrEP initiations in South Africa were estimated to be ~ 530,000 .