Where Can I Get HPV Vaccine In South Africa

What is a HPV Vaccine?

Human papillomavirus vaccines are vaccines that prevent infection by certain types of human papillomavirus.

Where Can I Get HPV Vaccine In South Africa?

HPV vaccines are availableĀ in the private sector from a doctor or pharmacy. However, they are not free of charge.

If she is already at risk of having contracted HPV, it is recommended that she has routine screening tests.

Who qualifies for HPV Vaccine In South Africa?

This vaccine is most effective if provided before a person is exposed to the (sexually transmitted) virus. It is registered for use inĀ boys and girls from the age of nine.

As the entry requirement for Grade 1 is 6 years, most girls in Grade 5 will be between 9 and 11 years old.

How much is HPV Vaccine In South Africa?

Both doses are free. Girls need two doses of the HPV vaccine to be fully protected against cervical cancer and it is important that they receive their second dose.