Where Can I Get Comfrey In South Africa

Where Can I Get Comfrey In South Africa

What is Comfrey known for?

The roots of the leaves of the comfrey plant contain chemical substances called allantoin and rosmarinic acid. Allantoin boosts the growth of new skin cells, while rosmarinic acid helps relieve pain and inflammation. Extracts are still made from the roots and leaves and turned into ointments, creams, or salves.

Comfrey – Symphytum officinale – 5 Seeds – Medicinal Herb


Does Comfrey grow in South Africa?

Symphytum officinale (Comfrey) - Plantinfo

Non-Indigenous – Exotic to South Africa. The plant bears bell-shaped, purple, pale yellow or white flowers. A perennial member of the borage family, with large, hairy leaves. Plant Comfrey on its own, as it spreads easily and can become invasive.

Where do you find comfrey?

Common comfrey is a hairy plant of damp ground and is found beside rivers, in fens and ditches, and on roadside verges and waste ground. It often grows in clumps and displays clusters of bell-shaped, pinky-purple flowers from May to July.