Where Can I Get a Yellow Fever Card In South Africa

What is a Yellow Fever Card?

The International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP, sometimes called the “yellow card”) is your proof that you have been vaccinated against yellow fever.

Where Can I Get a Yellow Fever Card In South Africa?

Netcare Travel Clinic Cape Town, 11th Floor, Room 1107, Picbel Parkade, 58 Strand Street: phone +27 21 419 3172.

Netcare Travel Clinic Tokai, Medicross Tokai, Cnr Tokai, and Keyser Road: phone +27 21 715 7063.

Is the Yellow Fever Card Safe?

The yellow fever vaccine is safe, and affordable and a single dose provides life-long protection against yellow fever disease.

How Long is the Yellow Fever Card Valid for?

This is known as an International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP). All vaccination certificates are now valid for life, including older ones with an expiry date on them.

You’ll be given a certificate when you’re vaccinated at a yellow fever vaccination center.