Where Can I Get A Certificate Of Incorporation In South Africa

What is a Certificate Of Incorporation?

A certificate of incorporation is a legal document/license relating to the formation of a company or corporation. It is a license to form a corporation issued by the state government or, in some jurisdictions, by a non-governmental entity/corporation.

Where Can I Get A Certificate Of Incorporation In South Africa?

The South African Companies registry

The South Africa Certificate of Incorporation is issued by the South Africa Companies registry when a South Africa company is incorporated.

How do I get a CK certificate in South Africa?

You can register your company online on the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) website, or on the Bizportal.gov.za website, a platform created by the CIPC that offers company registration and related services.

How much does it cost to register a corporation in South Africa?

A company registration is R125 for both private companies and non-profit companies registered without members. A private company must have at least one (1) director and a non-profit company must have a minimum of three (3) directors.