Where Can I Find Trout In South Africa
Trout is a chiefly freshwater fish of the salmon family, found in both Eurasia and North America and highly valued for food and game.
Where Can I Find Trout In South Africa?
There are many wild and semi-wild Rainbow Trout in the Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Free State, Mpumalanga, and KwaZulu Natal.
What trout are in South Africa?
Two types of trout are produced in South Africa: brown trout and rainbow trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss. Introduced first, brown trout mainly serve the interests of the recreational fishing industry. Rainbow trout followed soon after and were introduced throughout many freshwater lakes and rivers in South Africa.
How did trout get to South Africa?
Trout started reaching the South African food market in noticeable volumes by the mid-seventies. It was first introduced around 1890, when brown trout ova arrived on a sailing ship from Scotland. At a Cape Town brewery where Newlands is today, the first fingerlings were hatched.
Is trout native to South Africa?
Trout have a rich history in South Africa and are one of Fish The Fly’s favorite freshwater species to target. These fish are so special, and although they do not naturally occur in South Africa, have an important role to play in the angling industry.
How big are rainbow trout in South Africa?
In dams they can reach almost 70cm in length with a weight of 6kg, but in shallower rivers they seldom exceed 50cm and weigh around 1.5kg. Habitat: Found in fast-flowing, well-oxygenated rivers and highland dams. They have a preference for clear, cold water.