Where Can I Find Cat Claw In South Africa

What is a Cat Claw?

Uncaria tomentosa is a woody vine found in the tropical jungles of South and Central America. It is known as a cat’s claw or uña de gato in Spanish because of its claw-shaped thorns. The plant root bark is used in herbalism for a variety of ailments and is sold as a dietary supplement.

Where Can I Find Cat Claw In South Africa?

What is the cat’s claw in South Africa?

The cat’s claw creeper Dolichandra (syn. Macfadyena) unguis-cati is an invasive evergreen climber, climbing as high as 9m with claw-like tendrils between the bright green oblong to lance-shaped leaves, which have a terminal, three-part, claw-like tendril.

Is declawing legal in South Africa?

Declawing is the practice of surgically removing the claws of a cat whilst the cat is under general anesthetic.

The procedure is usually carried out at the request of the owner who may have been experiencing “anti-social behaviour” by the cat such as scratching furniture. Declawing is legal.