Where Can I Find Bloodroot In South Africa

What is a Bloodroot?

What is the use of bloodroot?

It is thought to have antiseptic, diuretic, and emetic properties and is used to reduce inflammation, cough, infections, and as an anti-plaque agent. Bloodroot is also an ingredient in black salve, which is promoted as an alternative cancer treatment.

Where Can I Find Bloodroot In South Africa?

What are some interesting facts about bloodroot?

Interesting Facts

Bloodroot is so named because a damaged root will ooze a red sap. The red sap was used by First Nations People as a dye and insect repellent.

CAUTION: The sap is an irritant, and the rhizome (thickened underground root) is poisonous and should not be eaten.

How do you identify bloodroot?

Bloodroot isĀ a stemless perennial wildflower with a fleshy, horizontal, fingerlike tuber with reddish-orange juice.

The tuber sends up a flower stalk wrapped by a single palmate, deeply scalloped, grayish-green basal leaf. The leaf unfurls when the solitary flower blooms.