Where Can I Find Adoption Records In South Africa

What is an Adoption Record?

Every adoption in the south African States has what are called “adoption records.” These records include identifying information about the birth parents, including Their names.

Their address at the time of the adoption. Their phone number at the time of the adoption. The original birth certificate.

Where Can I Find Adoption Records In South Africa?

How do I find an adopted child in South Africa?

Another option is to contact the Registrar of Adoptions (012 312 7593) at the Department of Social Development in Pretoria, where all adoptions done throughout the country must be registered.

How does adoption work in South Africa?

If you are looking to adopt a child in South Africa, you must approach an adoption agency which will screen you and help you look for a child who is available for adoption.

You can only apply for national adoption if you are a South African citizen residing in South Africa and you want to adopt a South African child.

How long does it take to adopt from South Africa?

approximately 1-3 years

How Long It Takes. From the time an applicant submits a dossier to the South African Central Authority, it’s estimated to take approximately 1-3 years to complete their adoption. The timeline can vary based on a family’s openness to age and special needs.

Is adoption difficult in South Africa?

Legal Rights of Adoptive Parents and Children

All-in-all, adoption is a complex legal process that requires careful consideration and planning. If you are considering adoption in South Africa, it is important to work with an experienced adoption attorney, such as a family lawyer near you.