Where Can I Buy Telescope In South Africa
A telescope is an optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear nearer, containing an arrangement of lenses, or of curved mirrors and lenses, by which rays of light are collected and focused and the resulting image magnified.
Below is Where You Can Buy Telescope In South Africa
Sky-Watcher South Africa
Address: 54 Maria St, Fontainebleau, Randburg, 2194, South Africa
Phone: +27 11 792 6034
Southern African Large Telescope
Address: Sutherland, South Africa
Phone: +27 21 447 0025
Xamidimura telescope
Address: South African Astronomical, Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa
MeerLICHT Telescope
Address: Fraserburg, South Africa
South African Astronomical Observatory
Address: 1 Observatory Rd, Observatory, Cape Town, 7925, South Africa
Starry Karoo Observatory
Address: KlipKraal 2, R356, Sutherland, South Africa
South African Astronomical Observatory 74-inch telescope
Address: Fraserburg, South Africa
What are the 4 South African telescopes?
South African Astronomical Observatory
SALT | 11m reflector |
1.9m | 1.9m reflector |
Infrared Survey Facility | 1.4m reflector |
MONET | 1.2m reflector |
1.0m | 1m reflector |
How much did the South Africa large telescope cost?
South Africa contributed about a third of the total of US$36 million that will finance SALT for its first 10 years (US$20 million for the construction of the telescope, US$6 million for instruments, and US$10 million for operations).
What is the famous telescope in South Africa?
The Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) is the largest (11 m in diameter) single optical telescope in the southern hemisphere. The construction of SALT has been completed and It is now in its commissioning phase.