What Is the Day Of Reconciliation In South Africa

What is the Day Of Reconciliation In South Africa?

On 16 December 1838, they fought the Battle of Blood River. The Afrikaners won the battle because they had guns.

So many people died that the river was red with blood. Today we call this day the Day of Reconciliation.

How do you celebrate the Day of Reconciliation in South Africa?

The celebration of the Day of Reconciliation can take the form of remembering past history, recognizing veteran’s contributions, marching, and other festivities.

The National flag largely represents peace and unity.

What are the values of the Day of Reconciliation?

The changes of reconciliation which included fostering a more cohesive nation by ending apartheid (racial discrimination) and promoting national unity reflected the founding values of the South African

constitution which was the recognition of human dignity and the attainment of human rights and freedom.