What Is The Best LTE Network In South Africa

What is LTE Network?

4G is the fourth generation of broadband cellular network technology, succeeding 3G and preceding 5G. A 4G system must provide capabilities defined by ITU in IMT Advanced. 

What Is The Best LTE Network In South Africa

Best LTE Networks In South Africa

MTN has been ranked the best mobile network in South Africa in 2022 according to MyBroadband Insights’ annual Mobile Network Quality Report.

What is the most reliable LTE network in South Africa?

Telkom remains the sole winner for Availability

Our Telkom users connect to 3G or better services 97.9% of the time the best result in South Africa.

How many LTE networks are there in South Africa?

Mobile networks and carriers in South Africa use 2 GSM bands, 3 UMTS bands, and 3 LTE bands.

What is the largest LTE network in South Africa?

MTN also ranked top in the 2021 and 2020 Mobile Network Quality Reports from MyBroadband Insights.

MTN’s average download speed increased from 64.23 Mbit/s in 2021 to 68.84 Mbit/s in 2022.

What is the most used LTE network in South Africa?

MTN also ranked top in the 2021 and 2020 Mobile Network Quality Reports from MyBroadband Insights.

MTN’s average download speed increased from 64.23 Mbit/s in 2021 to 68.84 Mbit/s in 2022. However, the operator’s overall upload speed was slower in 2022 at 19.77 Mbit/s compared to 22.09 Mbit/s a year before.