What Is The Best Game Park In South Africa

What is Game Park?

A game reserve (also known as a wildlife preserve or a game park) is a large area of land where wild animals live safely or are hunted in a controlled way for sport.

What Is The Best Game Park In South Africa

Kruger National Park is one of the world’s greatest wildlife-watching destinations. Some of Africa’s most iconic species –

elephant, lion, leopard, cheetah, rhino, buffalo, giraffe, hippo, and zebra – share the bushveld with a supporting cast of 136 other mammals and more than 500 bird species.

What is the second-largest game reserve in South Africa?

1. Kruger National Park, South Africa’s largest game reserve. 2. Pilanesburg Game Reserve a wildlife sanctuary situated close to Sun City.

How much does it cost to spend a night at Kruger National Park in Rands?

All Kruger National Park fees are payable at the gate at the time of entrance. Park fees are valid for 24 hours. International Visitors: 440 ZAR (USD 26.50) per adult,

per day and 220 ZAR (USD $13.20) per child, per day. South African Citizens and Residents: R110 per adult per day & R55 per child per day.

What is the safest Game Park In South Africa?

Secondly, there is safety in numbers and if you are traveling solo South Africa and want to visit a Big 5 safari destination; you’re better off booking a tour to Kruger Park.

It’s not only safer but you’ll enjoy the company of fellow wildlife lovers.