What Is The Best Electric Heater In South Africa

What is Electric Heater?

Electric heating is a process in which electrical energy is converted directly to heat energy. Common applications include space heating, cooking, water heating, and industrial processes.

An electric heater is an electrical device that converts an electric current into heat. 

What Is The Best Electric Heater In South Africa

This provides a lasting background warmth, so even if you do keep moving from room to room, you won’t lose as much heat from air movement.

For maximum efficiency, look out for ceramic radiators which are able to produce much more radiant heat.

How much electricity does a heater use per hour in South Africa?

This amount depends on the wattage (appliance power rating) of the appliance and the number of hours it works, for example: 

If you use a 1000 Watt heater for 1 hour daily for 30 days, you would use 30kWh per month, so at an average cost of electricity of R1. 67, it will cost you R50. 06 per month.

Which heater uses the least electricity in South Africa?

Oil Heaters

They are silent, and super energy-efficient as most models have an inbuilt thermostat. These heaters are a little slower in reaching the temperature setting you select.

But once there, they use precious little electricity as the thermostat takes charge, only drawing the energy needed to retain the heat.

How do I choose an electric heater?

Heating Capacity.

Heater Type.


Safety Features.

Noise Level.

How do I know what size electric heater I need?

As a rule of thumb, you will need 10 watts of heating power for every square foot of floor area in a room.

This means that a 1,500-watt heater can be the primary heat source for an area measuring up to 150 square feet. If it’s used as a supplemental heating source, however, it covers a much larger area.

How much does an electric heater cost in South Africa?

This amount depends on the wattage (appliance power rating) of the appliance and the number of hours it works, for example:

If you use a 1000 Watt heater for 1 hour daily for 30 days, you would use 30kWh per month, so at an average cost of electricity of R1. 67, it will cost you R50. 06 per month.