What Is NHI In South Africa

What Is NHI In South Africa?

NHI (National Health Insurance) is a health financing system that is designed to pool funds to provide access to quality

affordable personal health services for All South Africans based on their health needs, irrespective of their socio-economic status.

How much does the NHI cost in South Africa?

Managing director at Intellidex Peter Attard Montalto estimated that the government’s National Health Insurance (NHI)

scheme would cost the country between R300 billion and R460 billion a year. South Africa’s National Assembly recently passed the NHI Bill, which is aimed at introducing universal healthcare.

What is proposed for NHI in South Africa?

The NHI bill is a tool to achieve universal health coverage. It aims to ensure that all South Africans have access to quality healthcare services.

The bill also aims to provide for the establishment of a fund that will be used to pay for almost all medical treatments from accredited providers.

What are the objectives of NHI in South Africa?

NHI aims to achieve Universal Health Coverage for all South Africans. This specifically refers to financial health coverage.

It aims to provide equity and social solidarity through a pooling of risks and funds.

Who qualifies for NHIS in South Africa?

NHI will be for all South Africans in keeping with the fact that health is a right in the Constitution and hence cannot be for a selected few.

In NHI your socio-economic status will not matter but your health needs will determine what form of service you get.