What Is June 16 All About In South Africa

What Is June 16 All About In South Africa?

Youth Day, as it is popularly known, is a day in which South Africans honor the youth that was ambushed by the apartheid regime police in Soweto on 16 June 1976.

On the day, over 500 young people, including school students, were killed.

How do South Africans celebrate June 16?

Apart from educating themselves, many South Africans also spend Youth Day helping underprivileged children in schools or orphanages across the country –

either by donating their time or resources to aid in their education. As visitors to South Africa, you can celebrate Youth Day by visiting Soweto and Vilakazi Street.

Why is 16 June a public holiday in South Africa?

16 June is a national public holiday in South Africa, celebrated as Youth Day. It has its origins in the 1976 uprisings that started in Soweto and spread countrywide.