What Is Human Rights Day In South Africa

What is Human Rights Day In South Africa?

Human Rights Day in South Africa is historically linked with 21 March 1960, and the events of Sharpeville. On that day 69 people died and

180 were wounded when police fired on a peaceful crowd that had gathered in protest against the Pass laws.

What happened on 21 March in South Africa?

On March 21, 1960, police officers in a Black township in South Africa opened fire on a group of people peacefully protesting oppressive laws. Sixty‐nine protestors were killed.

Is Human Rights Day a holiday in South Africa?

Human Rights Day is a national holiday that is commemorated to remind South Africans of the many sacrifices that people made which accompanied the struggle for democracy in the country.

It takes place on 21 March every year.

What is the theme of Human Rights Day in South Africa 2023?

The 2023 Human Rights Day theme is: “Consolidating and Sustaining Human Rights Culture into the Future”, and it would be useful to explore some of these concepts.