What Is BEE In South Africa

What Is BEE In South Africa?

Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is a policy of the postapartheid South African government. It was intended to give nonwhites,

who had suffered under the system of apartheid, a chance to participate fully in the economy. The Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act was made into law in 2003.

Who qualifies as BEE in South Africa?

The BEE Act defines black persons as “Africans, Coloureds and Indians,” who, as of an amendment to the act in 2013,

are South African citizens by birth or descent or were naturalized as South African citizens prior to 27 April 1994 (or would have been eligible for naturalization prior to that date).

How do I get a bee certificate in South Africa?

Customers can apply for a B-BBEE certificate on the service’s website, Bizportal anytime or at the CIPC Self-Service Terminals when registering a business, or when filing annual returns.

For a business with a turnover of less than R10 million, a B-BBEE certificate is not required.

What are the benefits of BEE in South Africa?

B-BBEE promotes economic inclusion through preferential procurement, which requires companies to prioritize suppliers and contractors who are owned or managed by black people.

This helps to create economic opportunities for black-owned businesses and enables them to grow and thrive.