What is a Vetiver Grass?
Vetiver Grass Suppliers In South Africa
How long does Vetiver Grass take to grow?
Vetiver Grass Grows to 4 Feet In 6 Weeks!
Is vetiver hard to grow?
Incredible Versatility! All types of soil: vetiver can grow in all types of soils including saline soils. Vetiver grows in soils from pH 4.5 to pH 10.5.
Extreme climatic conditions: vetiver can survive in prolonged drought, flood, and temperatures of -15°C to + 55°C.
What is the lifespan of vetiver grass?
Longevity: Vetiver is known to live for a long time. The longest recorded period is about 60 years.
What is the root length of vetiver grass?
At 20-40 cm depth, root lengths were shorter than those in the first 20 cm of the profile: lengths were 1.64 m for vetiver grass, 5.65 m for Guatemala grass, and 5.88 m for lemon grass.
How big does vetiver grow?
Vetiver is a large tufted bunchgrass and can reach up to 1.5 meters (5 feet) in height. The thin leaves and stems are erect and rigid, and the plant bears small brown-purple flowers in long spikes.
The fragrant roots grow downward in the soil and can attain depths of more than 3 meters (10 feet).