Vaccine Registration In South Africa

What is a Vaccine?

A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious or malignant disease. 

Vaccine Registration In South Africa

As of 20 August, all South Africans over the age of 18 can register for vaccination. The vaccination phases started in April when citizens aged 60 years and older could register.

Those who want to register should enroll in the Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS) at You will be asked if you are 18 years and older. If you select ’Yes’, you will be taken to a screen asking for a method of identification. Select either ’Use South African ID’, ’Use passport’ or ’Use Asylum Seeker/ refugee number’. Fill in the necessary details and confirm that the information is correct.

You will then be asked to fill in your contact details so the Department of Health can communicate with you during your vaccination process. You will then be asked to enter your address and province. This will enable the department to allocate the nearest vaccination site as soon as possible.

Step 5 will ask for your appointment preference. You will be asked questions on whether you prefer to be vaccinated on weekends or weekdays, mornings or afternoons.

The next step is to indicate whether or not you have medical aid. It is worth noting that the medical aid will pay the government directly for the vaccine and will not draw from your day-to-day funds, savings, or any other benefit. You will also not be required to pay for the vaccine.

You will then be asked once again to confirm that the information is correct and will be prompted to read the terms and conditions. Click ’Submit registration’ once you have confirmed that the information is correct.