Used Refrigerated Trucks For Sale In South Africa

What is a Refrigerated Truck?

A refrigerator truck or chiller lorry, is a van or truck designed to carry perishable freight at low temperatures. Most long-distance refrigerated transport by truck is done in articulated trucks pulling refrigerated hard-side semi-trailers, although insulated curtain siders are common in some countries.

Used Refrigerated Trucks For Sale In South Africa

Isuzu FTM1200 12 TON

Hyundai HD72 4.5 TON

MAN TGM 25 280 16 TON

How long do refrigerated trucks last?

A common rule of thumb is a reefer trailer should last for an average of 40,000 hours of use which equates to about 8 years on the open road. These values are based on an average of 4,000 to 5,000 hours of use per year.

What is another name for a refrigerated truck?

A refrigerator truck or chiller lorry (also called a reefer), is a van or truck designed to carry perishable freight at low temperatures.

What is a truck with a freezer called?

Also known as reefers, these trucks maintain specific climates for temperature-sensitive loads.

How much can a refrigerated truck carry?

Large refrigerated lorries

Larger, these refrigerated lorries can hold between 18 and 23 pallets.

Do refrigerated trucks use more fuel?

Refrigerated trucks guzzle a lot of gas. The cooling mechanism taxes the truck’s fuel economy, so refrigerated trucks have lower efficiency than typical box trucks.

How much fuel does a reefer use per hour?

Modern reefer units use between 0.4 and 1.1 gallons of diesel per hour of engine run time. In automatic mode, the engine runs a fraction of the time that the unit is switched on and protecting cargo, so fuel consumption per hour most likely will be at the low end of the estimate.

How do refrigerated trucks stay cold?

Refrigerated trucks do, in fact, have an onboard, built-in refrigerator or freezer, however, these units operate seamlessly with the vehicle’s electrical and charging system. An engine-mounted compressor paired with a skirt-mounted condenser gets things cold, while fans direct air to each and every part of the unit.