Universities That Offer PGCE In South Africa

What is PGCE?

The Postgraduate Certificate in Education is a one- or two-year higher education course in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland which provides training in order to allow graduates to become teachers within maintained schools.

Universities That Offer PGCE In South Africa

University of South Africa

University of Pretoria

University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Nelson Mandela University

Rhodes University

University of Stellenbosch

Which universities still offer PGCE in South Africa?

Where can I study for a PGCE?

UniversityPart-TimeFull or Part Time
UNISASenior Phase & FETPart Time
NMUSenior Phase & FETFull Time

Where can I apply for PGCE in South Africa?

Top 5 Colleges to Study PGCE Distance Learning in SA

  • MANCOSA PGCE Programme.
  • IIE Varsity College
  • Two Oceans Graduate Institute (TOGI)
  • STADIO Higher Education (formerly Embury)
  • Cornerstone Institute.