Universities That Offer Astrophysics In South Africa

What is Astrophysics?

Astrophysics is a science that employs the methods and principles of physics and chemistry in the study of astronomical objects and phenomena. 

Universities That Offer Astrophysics In South Africa

University of Cape Town.

University of the Witwatersrand.

University of KwaZulu-Natal.

University of Stellenbosch.

North-West University.

The University of Pretoria.

University of the Western Cape.

Where do astrophysicists work in South Africa?

Astronomical research facilities

In South Africa employment in the astronomy and astrophysics field is found at astronomical research facilities [e.g. HartRAO (http://www.hartrao.ac.za/), SAAO (http://www.saao.ac.za/), SA SKA, and MeerKAT] and at universities.

Are astrophysicists in demand in South Africa?

Because of the shortage of local astronomers, there are good employment prospects for an academic career in astrophysics, particularly in South Africa.

What are the requirements to study astrophysics in South Africa?

APS 43+

English Home Language OR First Additional Language Level 5.

Mathematics Level 6.

Physical Science Level 6.

How much does an astrophysicist make in South Africa?

A mid-career Astrophysicist with 5-9 years of experience earns an average total compensation of R450,000 based on 5 salaries.

How long is an Astrophysics degree?

The BSc in Astrophysics is a four-year course (three years for those taking direct entry to the second year) run by the School of Physics and Astronomy.

During your degree, you will explore the science of the Universe, from extrasolar planets to cosmology.