Township Business Ideas In South Africa

What is a Township Business?

These are businesses and markets based in townships that are operated by local entrepreneurs to meet the primary needs of their local communities and play an integral part in our economic development.

Township Business Ideas In South Africa

Best Township Business Ideas In South Africa:


Opening a shisa nyama in the township is a business worth pursuing. Although there are a lot of shisa nyama outlets already operating in the township you can successfully set up your shop if you offer a unique experience and attractive meals at competitive prices.

After all, people are always keen on trying out new restaurants and seeking new experiences.

If you do your market research and offer your customers what is missing in the food industry, especially in townships, you can open a vibrant and profitable shisa nyama. With a shisa nyama you can earn more than R100 000 per month if you run your business efficiently.


Another business worth considering in the South African townships is a car wash business. There are a lot of people with vehicles that stay in townships, so the demand for car cleaning and maintenance is always high.

Also setting up a car wash does not require a lot of capital. You can even clean cars at your backyard or visit people in their homes. A car wash is relatively easy and quick to set up plus you start earning income in a short space of time.


The third business that can be profitable in a township is becoming a wholesaler. Instead of competing with the numerous spaza shops in many townships, you can sell goods to these shops.

The market for wholesalers is not as saturated as that of spaza shops so this kind of business is more than likely going to give you better returns.


The number of children in South Africa has been increasing over the years due to high birth rates and immigration. Most parents also work full-time jobs and need quality ECD daycare centers for their children.

Therefore, opening a daycare center in a township can be lucrative. To stand out from the competition you can consider offering childcare services for disadvantaged and disabled children apart from a good curriculum.


Both the young and old enjoy video games. Opening a gaming lounge in a township can be very profitable. You can provide your customers with the latest gaming consoles and video games for a reasonable fee.

To create a full gaming experience, you can also add pool tables, host FIFA tournaments, and add various forms of entertainment, and make a killing out of your gaming lounge.


Also on our list of township businesses is opening a spare parts store. People continue to buy used and new cars that need servicing over time.

Cars break down all the time and spare parts are always in high demand. Therefore an auto spare parts store is a small business worth considering in the township.


Becoming a real rental accommodation agent in the township can be a smart way of earning passive income. If you have extra rooms in your homes or own more than one property this could be a profitable business.

The amount of money you can make will be limited by the number of rooms you can rent out however, this is a stable business for property owners. There is always a demand for accommodation and rental space so income is guaranteed.