Top YouTube Earners In South Africa

What is YouTube?

YouTube is a online video sharing and social media platform.

Top YouTube Earners In South Africa

1Die Antwoord @UC6DicDItkLQ7N4ag1JS5mqg3.3M
2Noel Deyzel @UCMp-0bU-PA7BNNR-zIvEydA2.9M
3Openmic Productions @UCzMzPGGVKpjZAJy1aOAUieA2.4M
4The Supa Strikas – Kids Soccer Cartoon @UCdtojT_ZwTRlZThoBSMVhoQ2M

How much does YouTube pay in South Africa for 1,000 views?

In terms of ad views on YouTube, it’s thought that Google will pay approximately R270 per 1,000 ad views which comes to around R45 – 75 per 1,000 video views.

The amount you receive does completely depend on the audience that is watching your videos.

Who is the highest paid YouTuber in South Africa?

South Africa’s very own YouTuber and former business owner Michael “zoo house” Jamison is listed amongst the “

Is YouTube profitable?

YouTube Profit Margins. YouTube has an estimated gross profit margin of ~38% which is signficantly lower than competitor Meta (Facebook, Instagram)

with ~80%. This is attributable to YouTube’s revenue sharing model paying a significant proportion of ad revenues to content creators.

How much is YouTube per month in South Africa?

At the end of the trial period, you will be automatically charged the individual subscription price, currently R71. 99 on a monthly recurring basis.