Top Pigeon Fanciers In South Africa

What is Pigeon Fanciers?

Pigeon keeping or pigeon fancying is the art and science of breeding domestic pigeons.

Top Pigeon Fanciers In South Africa

Below are some of the Top Pigeon Fanciers.

Gys Louw has been a pigeon fancier for over 50 years, who has enriched his best pigeons in recent years with international top lines and is therefore seen as perhaps the best South African fancier of the moment. Pigeon Palace houses a breeding team of exceptional class!

What does a pigeon mean as a nickname?

Jessica Pigeon was a common slang word simply meaning woman or female in the 1950s. It is a term of affection, not meant to be derogatory. It was famously used in Lady and the Tramp, which was made in the 50s.

Who are well-known pigeon fanciers?

Famous Pigeon Fanciers

  • Noah – may not have raced pigeons because of the lack of competitors, but we know he raised them.
  • Roy Rogers – his pigeons may have helped inspire “Happy Trails”

What are the symptoms of pigeon fanciers lung?

Acute pigeon fancier’s lung presents as recurrent episodes of shortness of breath and cough, with fever, shivering, and malaise. Symptoms occur 4-8 hours after exposure to antigen. After exposure lung function tests and chest xrays may be abnormal but generally return to normal between episodes.

What causes pigeon fanciers disease?

Pigeon fanciers lung is a type of HP caused by airborne exposure to avian antigens [1,2,5]. The disease may present acutely or sub-acutely and such episodes usually resolve with cessation of the antigen exposure. Chronic disease may progress to irreversible disease [5].