What are Oncologists?
An oncologist is a doctor who treats cancer and provides medical care for a person diagnosed with cancer.
Top Oncologists In South Africa
Below are some of the Top Oncologists.
Dr. Bernard Donde
Dr. Bernard Donde is a specialized Radiation Oncologist in South Africa. And one of the most sought-after medical specialists in Cape Town, South Africa. The doctor has over 20 Years of experience and is associated with Life Kingsbury Hospital.
Dr. Nirasha Chiranjan
Dr. Nirasha Chiranjan is a specialized Radiation Oncologist in South Africa. And one of the most sought-after medical specialists in Lenasia, South Africa. The doctor has over 15 Years of experience and is associated with Lenmed Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital.
Dr. Koos Bouwer
Dr. Koos Bouwer is a specialized Radiation Oncologist in South Africa. And one of the most sought-after medical specialists in Cape Town, South Africa. The doctor has over 25 Years of experience and is associated with Life Kingsbury Hospital.
Dr. Omondi Ogude
Dr. Omondi Ogude is a specialized Surgical Oncologist in South Africa. And one of the most sought-after medical specialists in Lenasia, South Africa. The doctor has over 20 Years of experience and is associated with Lenmed Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital.
How much does cancer treatment cost in South Africa?
The Independent Clinical Oncology Network3 in South Africa estimates that, depending on the type of cancer, treatment locally can cost anything between R10 000 and R1 million per patient, per year.
How much does a round of chemo cost in South Africa?
In South Africa, the cost of cancer treatment is very high, and a study conducted in 2020 to estimate the cost of chemotherapy in the public sector arrived at a whopping R15 774 as the average care cost per patient. This was per “episode of care” at Groote Schuur Hospital for breast cancer.
Do oncologists remove tumors?
Surgical oncologists treat cancer using surgery, including removing the tumor and nearby tissue during an operation. This type of surgeon can also perform certain types of biopsies to help diagnose cancer.
What are the top cancers in South Africa?
The highest number of cancers diagnosed among males were prostate, colorectal, lung, and non-melanoma skin cancers (basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin). Among females, breast, cervical, colorectal, and non-melanoma skin cancers were the most commonly diagnosed cancers.