Taxi Rank Prices In South Africa

What is Taxi Rank?

A place where taxis park while waiting to be hired.

Taxi Rank Prices In South Africa

How much does a taxi make per day in South Africa?

About R1,236 every day

an SA taxi every day except Christmas, a taxi in SA earns a monthly average income of about R3,475 or about R1,236 every day.

How do taxi drivers get paid in South Africa?

In addition, some driver pay is determined by the takings of the taxi – between 25%-30% of the takings per week

while others pay a flat monthly rental fee (R10,000 in January 2016), with drivers taking any additional profits on top of that amount, plus petrol costs.

When can you park in a taxi rank?

Parking at a taxi rank is prohibited unless driving a taxi.