Sugar Suppliers In South Africa

What is a Sugar?

Sugar is the generic name for sweet-tasting, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used in food. Simple sugars, also called monosaccharides, include glucose, fructose, and galactose.

Sugar Suppliers In South Africa

Nature’s Packers is one of the biggest suppliers of sugar in the Western Cape, providing a range of wholesale, branded and pre-packaged products for businesses big and small.

How many sugar companies are in South Africa?

six milling companies

There are six milling companies that make up the South African​ Sugar Millers’ Association NPC (SASMA) and between them, they operate 14 sugar mills and one central refinery.

Does South Africa export sugar?

As of 2022, the export volume of sugar from South Africa fell to 389,000 metric tons. In the previous year, the country exported 542,200 metric tons.

How much is sugarcane per ton in South Africa?

The seventh provisional RV Price for the 2023/24 season, which is payable by 31 October 2023, has been declared at R7 457.06 per RV ton. This represents a marginal increase of R13.

Where does sugarcane grow best in South Africa?

In South Africa, the crop is grown in 14 cane-producing areas extending from Northern Pondoland in the Eastern Cape Province through the coastal belt and KwaZulu-Natal midlands to the Mpumalanga Lowveld. Sugar cane is a tropical crop requiring a hot climate.

Is there a shortage of sugar in South Africa?

SOUTH Africa is facing a shortage of sugar, the new “white gold”, with local mills unable to meet the local demand, Chris Engelbrecht, the chairperson of the Association of Southern Africa Sugar Importers (Asasi), warned yesterday.