Step Ladder Suppliers In South Africa

What is a Step Ladder?

Step stools are halfway between a ladder and a stool, being used, as a support platform, for reaching targets that are at heights between ~2m and ~3m.

Step Ladder Suppliers In South Africa

Dreymar is a leading supplier of Step Ladders in South Africa:

  • Aluminum step ladders are Light Duty and Affordable.
  • Fiberglass step ladders are Heavy Duty and Non-Conductive for Electrical Applications.

What are the disadvantages of step ladders?

A lack of balance in situations requiring two-handed tool use is one of the main drawbacks of the stepladder.

Another important structural feature included on many podium steps is the additional support struts which can be installed around the base.

How long can you use a step ladder for?

30 minutes

As a guide, if your task would require staying up a leaning ladder or stepladder for more than 30 minutes at a time, it is recommended you use alternative equipment.

Are step ladders safe?

A Stepladder must not be used unless its base is spread fully open and the Spreaders locked. Stepladders are not to be used as Single Ladders or in the partially open position.