Sluice Suppliers In South Africa

Sluice Suppliers In South Africa

A sluice is a sliding gate or other device for controlling the flow of water, especially one in a lock gate.

Sluice Suppliers In South Africa

Gereg Sewage and Water Equipment (Pty) Ltd

+2711 738-1423/4
Fax.+2711 738-3204

What is the difference between a sluice and a gate?

A sluice is an artificial canal aided by a gate to control water flow. Sluice valves or industrial gate valves are primarily used for industrial purposes. A gate valve is a kind of isolation valve used to manage the flow of fluids in an industrial system.

What are the types of sluice gates?

Sluice gate uses and types

  • Intake sluice gate. Built on the banks of rivers, reservoirs, or lakes, and at the head of irrigation diversion channels, to ensure and control the flow into the canal.
  • Divide sluice gate.
  • Control sluice gate.
  • Sluicing gate.
  • Drain sluice gate.
  • Rinse sand sluice gate.

What is a dam sluice?

Sluices are channels for conducting water through regulating valves or gates. They may be self-contained or part of larger dams or weirs where the aim is to regulate and impound water.