Requirements To Study Dental Therapy In South Africa

What Is Dental Therapy

A dental therapist is a member of the dental team who provides preventive and restorative dental care for children and adults. The precise role varies and is dependent on the therapist’s education and the various dental regulations and guidelines of each country.

Entry Requirements To Study Dental Therapy In South Africa

Dentist registered with the professional board of country, but HPCSA registration is required for clinical duties in any of these programmes.

The aim of the PG Dip Dent is to provide Dentists an opportunity to improve their knowledge base, usually in one particular field in Dentistry.   South African Dentists have the added advantage that the Diploma in Dentistry may contribute points towards the compulsory Continuing Professional Development programme of the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). 

  The Diploma in Dentistry is an ideal vehicle for updating a practitioner on recent developments in a particular field in Dentistry and serves as a basis for a Master’s Degree programme

Duration is two years part-time

Application is subjected to departmental consideration and approval

Master of Dentistry (M Dent)

Within the following specialties:

Community Dentistry

Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery

Oral Pathology


Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Admission requirements:

Registered with HPCSA as dentist and have practiced for at least two years, post-graduate diplomas, primaries and other masters degree will be an advantage. Primaries and ATLS are a requirement for students wishing to study for an MDent (MFOS) degree. Minimum of 65% in the field of interest at undergraduate level.

The aim is to train dentists in a specialty in dentistry

Duration depends of the specialty, but ranges from four to five years

Admission is subjected to availability of a training post, which will be advertised nationally and subjected to interview and appointment as a registrar

Master of Dental Science (MDS)

Two streams:

MDS by course work, which include mini-dissertation

MDS by research by major dissertation

Admission requirements:

In possession of at least a BDS or equivalent degree and registered with the professional board

The aim is to increase the depth of knowledge of a dentist in a specific field of dentistry

Duration will be a minimum of one year and maximum of three years

Application is subjected to departmental consideration and approval

Bachelor of Science Honours in Dental Science (BSc (Hons)(Dent Sc))

Admission requirements:

In possession of a BSc in Microbiology

The aim is bridge the gap of teaching and research in schools of dentistry by non-dental basic scientists and to provide the industry involved in the development of dental materials and equipment with appropriate trained scientists

Duration will be a minimum of one year and maximum of two years

Application is subjected to departmental consideration and approval

Master of Science in Dentistry (MSc (Dent))

Admission requirements:

In possession of a BSc (Hons)(Dent Sc) degree

The aim is to provide a career path for non-dental scientists appointed to training institutions in dentistry and to provide the industry involved in the development of dental materials and equipment with appropriate trained scientists.

Duration will be a minimum of one year and maximum of three years

Application is subjected to departmental consideration and approval

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Admission requirement:

Master’s degree or equivalent

Aim is to provide an opportunity to perform an in-depth research project in a field of Dentistry

Duration is two years

Application is subject to departmental consideration and approval

For more information on the course(s) listed above, download the school calendar

School Calendar 2017 (link)

Schools Offering Dental Therapy In South Africa

Cape Peninsula University of Technology.

Cape Peninsula University of Technology – The Faculty of Health and Wellness Sciences.

Durban University of Technology.

Durban University of Technology – The Department of Dental Sciences will constantly.

Sefako Makgatho Health Scienes University.

How long does it take to become a dental therapist in South Africa?

The Bachelor of Dental Science (BDS) is a five-year, full-time course. Years one to three focus on bioethics, health law and dental sciences.

What subjects do you need to study dentistry in South Africa?

You have to offer the core prerequisite subjects for dentistry in high school. In South Africa, the important subjects to study dentistry are Mathematics, Life Sciences, and the English Language. You need to offer these courses before planning to attend a university in pursuit of a dentistry degree.

Is dental Therapy in demand in South Africa?

Dental hygienists are in high demand due to insufficient workforce and a lack of an effective reinstatement support system.

How much do dental therapist earn in South Africa?

Salary range for the majority of workers in Dental assistants and therapists – from R5 524 to R23 584 per month – 2021. A Dental assistants and therapists typically earns between R5 524 and R9 707 net per month at the start of the job.

How many years does it take to be a dental therapist in South Africa ?

Required Training Options

Dental therapists can opt to complete a program that involves earning a bachelor’s in dental hygiene and a master’s degree in dental therapy. It’s possible to complete a dual degree program in three years of full-time study.

What does a dental therapist do South Africa?

Dental therapists have been allowed to practice independently since October 1992. They focus on the holistic care of patients, which ranges from prevention of oral disease and promotion of oral health to the alleviation of oral abnormalities, pain and disease.

What is the difference between a dentist and a dental therapist?

A dental therapist can do fillings, extract ‘baby’ teeth, place preformed crowns on baby teeth and do treatments using all the materials a dentist would use. A dental therapist is an extremely important figure in a dental team and is trained to carry out various procedures like scaling and polishing of teeth as well.